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July 7, 2022
When the weather gets chilly, it can get cold in the car pretty quickly — luckily, there are plenty of ways to keep warm. Car heaters are one of the best ways to stay warm in the winter, but what happens when it stops working properly? This can be a frustrating issue and is, unfortunately, a common problem. In this blog post, we answer your question: “Why is my car heater blowing cold air?”
Is your car heater blowing cold air? It might be because your car is on low on coolant — this is usually made of part water and part antifreeze which works to cool your car down. It is especially useful during the summer months, but over winter, it needs to work twice as hard. Coolant is transferred from the engine to the heater core so that warm air can be delivered throughout your car.
The air might feel cool when you start your car’s heater for the first few minutes, so be sure to give your engine some time to get warmed up. This will provide the coolant with enough time to heat up and circulate throughout the car’s interior. If you notice the air stays cool after several minutes with the engine on, check your coolant level — if coolant levels are low, it won’t be able to travel to the heater core and produce warm air.
Other common problems with heaters are related to the heater core, where you may find issues with the following:
A heater core is similar to a compact radiator, where it is made up of aluminum or brass tubing that can carry the hot coolant throughout your car with the help of fans that push out the heat. The core is responsible for your car’s heating and defrosting capabilities, as a result, it will often be located behind your dashboard. If you notice that your car’s coolant is working but isn’t blowing warm air, there might be a problem with the heater core, so look out for these signs:
If you see that the gauge on your thermostat still displays “C” even after the engine has been running and the heater has been on for a while, the thermostat may be broken. This is a big problem because if the thermostat can’t tell the car that the engine is warm, there’s no way to send the coolant to provide heat to the heater core. This will inevitably lead to your car heater blowing cold air. Fortunately, thermostats are a quick and easy fix, and installing a new one will be relatively inexpensive.
There are times when you’ve used the control buttons for so many years that they can get damaged and stop working. If you see that no problems are coming from your thermostat, coolant, and heater core, then it might just be a small problem with your control buttons or the heater’s control valve. The latter option is located underneath your hood and is a switch that activates the heat — if this isn’t working properly, it will be hard for your car to produce the right temperatures.
This is another common problem when it comes to a car heater blowing cold air, but there are many ways in which a leak can start, so it will be beneficial to check the following areas:
If you notice that any of these parts are leaking, the car’s heater won’t be able to work properly. To ensure that your heating system works effectively, contact an auto repair shop to check on your heating system and ensure there are no leaks anywhere in your car. All problems with your heating system must be addressed as soon as possible, so they don’t cause bigger issues down the road.
These are the most common problems that are diagnosed when trying to answer the question “why is my car heater blowing cold air”? Summer is here, and you need to be sure that your vehicle is ready for the season! If you are experiencing any of these issues, please contact your nearest mechanic or service station to service your vehicle.
Here are some quick answers to the most common questions regarding your car’s cooling and heating systems:
If you haven’t checked yet, chances are that your car doesn’t have enough coolant. This helps to cool your car down during summer but can be overworked during winter. During the heating process, the amount of coolant can dwindle — if this is the case, be sure to replace lost coolant.
If you’ve been in your car for a few minutes and it feels like your heater is still blowing out cool air, allow your car enough time to get warmed up, especially if it’s extra cold outside. This will provide enough time to ensure that hot air can make its way throughout your car. If there is no difference after a few minutes, check your coolant levels to ensure that there is enough.
There are a few common problems among car heaters — you might find that the heater core has issues in the following areas:
Depending on your car’s problems, there are a few ways in which you can fix the heating, including:
If you notice that your car is struggling with heating and cooling problems and you need help fixing them, contact America's Service Station in Alpharetta, GA, to get professional assistance. Fixing these problems today will help you avoid bigger issues tomorrow. Call us at (770)-442-1136 to get started.
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